Our hearts and meditations go out to everyone affected by the recent storms in the USA, the Carribean, and less spoken of - the millions set adrift by flooding in South Asia. We feel for you and send our love. How earth shattering it can be, to suddenly lose your home, your way of life and things that you might treasure. Yet for those who truly believe in a more expanded, equitable and divinely connected higher dimensional reality, then maybe we can explore such phenomenon as a powerful mirror to begin to live the higher truth here and now, especially since the progressive transformation of our biosphere is going to increasingly affect us all. The spiritual warrior in us must now find the eye of the storm in this Great 5D Shift, and ride the waves that follow...
Everything is Interconnected
To me it's abundantly clear why such catastrophic events are now on the increase. Society has plastered its unjust and uncaring, exploitative foundations across the depth and breadth of the earth, with practically zero consideration for other sentient life. Humanity continues to exploit energy, resources, the environment and other creatures as if somehow, it's his 'God-given' right to do so.
However, it's not my purpose to point the finger of blame - merely to call the inconvenient truth that I perceive. Any reality - all realities - have karmic distortion built into them. The purpose is not for them to persist, but rather to act as mirrors, so sentient life may choose, and evolve into ever higher states of balance and harmony.
(Here's a video on Emergence of the New Paradigm through Radical Change)
Breaking down the status quo
Those tuning in, those not going into denial or avoidance, can start to appreciate the incredible opportunity that now faces us in this Great 5D Shift. The worst possible thing (in my opinion) would be the continuance of the status quo, where life is subjugated to a downgraded existence.
The point is, that what you do to another, or even allow to happen through insensitivity and ignorance, you do to yourself, because literally everything is interconnected. You actually begin to store the fear and suffering in your own bodily vehicle as you consume it. You begin to realise this as you truly wake up and step down the evolutionary path.
Benefitting from monumental change
Rapid and radical change is not the problem. Being stuck in a debilitating eddy current is. But we have to have courage and commitment - above all, we need intensive awareness as to what is truly happening. When you're in intense internal awareness, you begin to feel all your own resistances to the way reality really is.
This is painful, but offers an incredible opportunity: because when you realise and accept the purpose of all life is self-realisation through evolutionary growth, then the internal tight spots that reveal themselves, become the doorways to greater expansion.
Several Openhanders were caught up in the recent storms in America. Being in contact with them personally, it was clear they each faced monumental internal challenges: "should I stay with friends and family who simply refuse to leave or should I follow my heart and get out of harms way?
The important thing is it's not about what choice you ultimately make - it's not about the outcome. It's about the internal process that such incredible mirrors cause to activate - where's the tightness now? And can you unwind through that so as to liberate the highest soulful choice?
The Eye of the Storm
Let us not let these dramatic events - these monumental mirrors - simply pass us by. Let's take every opportunity possible to evolve and grow. Let's turn into such circumstances and find the eye of the storm itself - the incredible Void of Infinite Peace right inside ourselves. Then allow spontaneous "Right Action" to simply flow forwards from within.
It's time to wake up to the bigger picture of what's going on right now here on Earth. To become Spiritual Warriors by embracing change as a major motivator and liberator of the soul. An incredible opportunity now awaits us all, but we have to fully wake up and choose it...
In loving support
PS - If you resonate with the content of this article, and would like support shifting into 5D Consciousness, check out...Openhand's Worldwide Events and Courses
(on behalf of Openhand)
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Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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