We're moving into times of profound evolutionary change.
People everywhere are ascending into the Fifth Density.
This is essential in the tumultuous shifts taking place.
But with so many philosophies and practices, how can you be sure you're accurately aligned with this Great 5D Shift? 5GATEWAYS is a profound spiritual routemap set down by masters through the ages. It has the capacity to illuminate your pathway. This Openhand 5GATEWAYS retreat will take you on an experiential journey, processing limiting karma and thereby catalysing your evolutionary leap. It's an approach that's been helping thousands of people all across the planet...
taking place at the wonderful Emergence Studio, in the stunning coastal town Kiama.
It's being organised by Katie Derrett in Australia. Email: katiederrett@hotmail.com
Retreat Highlights
- 5GATEWAYS routemap consciously navigated, to illuminate where you are on the path, thus easing unnecessary struggle and expanding inner peace
- Guided meditations that catalyse profound shifts of consciousness, that your soul may integrate, break free, unleash authentic beingness and soar into higher dimensions
- A Spiritual Compass to help you demystify the varied inner influences on the path and integrate your spirituality into your daily life
- Providing tools, tips and advice to inspire the release of internal blockages, conditioned behaviours, limiting thought forms and past life karma
- Relating your transition to global events from financial instability to accelerating climate change, that you may ride the shifts successfully and resiliently.
that unravel inner density, resonate authentic characteristics of your soul,
and help you expand into higher consciousness."
We are developing a network of facilitators skilled in the philosophy for the benefit of mankind.
Guided by Higher Dimensional Bridge - "Open"
Open, who developed the Openhand Philosophy, works as a Catalytic Bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. His approach is to use intuitive meditation techniques, and self realisation exercises to align you with your soul. He is skilled at activating one's Higher Self and removing karmic past life blockages. He can help you attune the authentic frequency of your being. Participants find themselves dropping into the profound nature of who they truly are; an experience which then infuses beneficially into every facet of their lives.
Delicious, plant-based and gluten free cuisine will be provided by the much celebrated Trinity's Conscious Kitchen.
Trinity has been the Openhand Retreat Chef for many years, developing amazingly uplifting, cleansing and rejuvenating recipes. People feel light and invigorated - which tends to inspire positive and evolutionary dietary change in their lives.
Trinity is an angelic empath, holding a gentle bridge into the angelic realms. Working quietly in the background, people feel supported and uplifted.
Kattie Derrett in Kiama is the lead organiser of this 5GATEWAYS week long retreat in Kiama.
She's working within the Openhand Facilitator Program for several years, applying the Openhand Philosophy to help people with their inner journeys. She's also the instigating inspiration behind the wonderful Emergence Studio where we'll be working.
Katie will be taking care of all your needs for the trip and is happy to help with travel info etc.
For all info, contact... katiederrett@hotmail.com
(or contact Ishara Love in Mount Gambier... delicious@ecologieorganics.com.au)
A safe space to work in
During the retreat, a safe and protective environment will be created for you, accepting you totally as you are. Then using highly evolved meditation techniques combined with powerful self realisation exercises and intuitive questioning, you'll be guided deep on a journey of self discovery, sinking into presence, dissolving internal blockages and unfolding profound gifts of authentic beingness.
The Openhand Approach incorporates guided meditation with movement, breathing and emotive music, to unveil lost aspects of your being and to set your soul free. Participants experience the process as deeply liberating, expansive and evolutionary.
Such shifts of consciousness can integrate directly into your daily life for successful and resilient spiritual living.
Openhandway - a Spiritual Compass for your Routemap
How can you find your sense of rightness when your very soul seems to be pulling in the opposite direction to everyone around you? What's needed a Spiritual Compass - one that helps you align with the routemap of your evolution; one that you can trust in; one that integrates your profound beingness into your life and changes the reality to one that fits with the core of who you are.
navigating the internal shifts into the Higher Paradigm of Being.
On this retreat, aswell as the 5GATEWAYS routemap, we'll be presenting and guiding "Openhandway" - your spiritual compass - as a means of listening to and aligning with your soul. It helps peel away the distorting veils which so often confuse. It helps you build trust in your true self. Furthermore, it is a means of infusing the authenticity of your inner light, the only true way to shape a new reality more closely aligned with the core of who you are. It leads to a life of divine destiny: cherished, held and nurtured as the child of the universe that you truly are.
Watch our popular 5GATEWAYS documentary on which the work will be based...
Retreat Venue
Kiama is a secret jewel of a place, on the sunny east coast of Australia, 2hrs south of Sydney. It has stunning ocean walks and beautiful sandy beaches. You feel a lovely uplifting and rejuvenating vibe there. We'll be staying at a secluded and comfortable retreat house close to the Emergence Studio...
Administration details
- Date and Timings: this 5GATEWAYS Retreat gathers on Monday 13th March at 1pm at the retreat house, ready for a 3pm start at the Emergence Studio. It ends on Friday 17th March at 1pm.
- Venue: the work venue will be the highly energetic Emergence Studio at 1/44 Manning St, Kiama 2533.
- Cost: The full cost including all course fees, comfortable accommodation and delicious food from Trinity's Conscious Kitchen will be $1275 ($875 is the price for day visitors or campers who don't require accommodation - ask Katie for details of the nearby beachfront campsite).
- Travel: The location is served by Sydney International Airport which is within 2hrs drive. Bus and trains are readily available direct to central Kiama.
- Booking info: To book a place, or to get more information, contact Katie in Kiama (katiederrett@hotmail.com)
We can no longer deny the tumultuous changes happening to Humanity and the World. Our lives and the way we live are changing rapdily, right now. A powerful wave of higher consciousness is rushing in to sweep the old reality steadily away, which is progressively crumbling and breaking down. We're being called by the divine to join the new dawning in the Higher Paradigm of the Fifth Density.
It's a way of being you know well in the core of who you are. It speaks into the fibres of your heart. It's an interconnectedness, cherished, nurtured and supported by the divine in your every step. You can live that 24/7, now, in your relationships, work and every facet of your life.
That's what successfully navigating the path of the 5GATEWAYS can achieve. It will...
Infuse and live the light of your soul in every moment
Join the Ascension into the New Paradigm as the old reality peels away.
Those Booking Details again:
To book a place, or to get more information, contact Katie in Australia (katiederrett@hotmail.com)