Near Term Homo Sapiens Extinction...And Rise of the Divine Human

Resources:  Spiritual Articles We've entered the corridor now in this Great 5D Shift - that of profound evolutionary change, pr... thumbnail 1 summary

We've entered the corridor now in this Great 5D Shift - that of profound evolutionary change, precipitated by abrupt and irreversible climate change. When you strip away the constant drip, drip, drip of fake news designed to distract so as to perpetuate "business as usual"; when you dare to confront your own fears about where society is truly heading; when you're prepared to be honest with yourself about how truly destructive humanity has become; when you go deep into the heart and tune into Gaia - when you can feel her pain as your own - then I believe you ultimately come to the inescapable conclusion that we're now facing the near term extinction of Homo Sapiens. But I am not a pessimist, for as one life form falls away, then a new one inevitably comes through - that of the Divine Human...

What is 'Normal' in an Arctic without Ice?

You'd be forgiven for thinking I'm being overly dramatic and life continues as 'normal'. But that's just what the insipid conditioning of society would have you believe - that it's all "business as usual". Except that it's not. Either this year, or in the next few ahead, we'll be facing an arctic without summer ice.

Why is this so significant?

An arctic without ice greatly accelerates the warming affect on our planet, because less of the sun's rays are reflected, more is absorbed, and contained under blankets of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Most importantly, the effect is accelerating the release of permafrost methane, which is 20 times more warming than CO2 and begins to affect immediately.

Recently NASA scientists have reported huge methane releases in the arctic of up to 150 km in breadth - that is literally astounding.

It greatly affects the jet stream, which is why we're witnessing the kinds of hurricanes that have deluged Houston for example and why millions have been flooded out in South Asia; or why there are flash droughts, which have caused a significant percentage of the US's wheat production to fail this summer. With just a couple of degrees increase in global temperatures, the staple food of the current configuration of society - grain - fails and prices progressively hike, causing food shortages and starvation for millions.

This is only the beginning. The Titanic has struck the ice and is holed beneath the water line. Right now humanity is in that denial phase - "she's too big to sink". But sink she will, and very quickly at the current rate of change. In global temperature terms, we are now already well above the 1.5 centigrade target set by the Paris climate agreement in 2016. Release of permafrost methane will likely add a couple of degrees to that within a few years. That's not to mention the spiraling affect of the strongest greenhouse gas - that of water vapor. Let's get real about it folks, humans have not been able to live on the planet at more than a few degrees above the current baseline.

It's only when we're in reality, that can we do something about it: we can adapt our lives accordingly and be inspired to do the only thing that can make a difference - a shift in consciousness into a higher paradigm of being.
That's what Openhand strongly advocates and is here to facilitate.

Be in truth about what's really going on

Before I talk about the 5D Shift and how to work with it, I encourage you to take an important hour of free time and watch this documentary by climate change expert Guy McPherson. Packed with resonating factual observations, it's probably one of the most important videos you can watch at this time, if you're to be in truth about what's really going on...

A Dramatic Shift of Consciousness

How did we get into this predicament?
Why will the shift need to be so dramatic?

As I've explained here in this article, Intervention on Planet Earth and in the book Divinicus, an intervening consciousness - like a virus - has downgraded humanity to fit within a system of control. When you look into our genetic coding, the true chromosome story, the megalyths of sophisticated early civilisations and above all, past life regression experiences, then even if you prefer not to believe it, the inescapable conclusion is that an Interdimensional Intervention has shaped humanity and the planet for its own agenda.

That consciousness sits within the very DNA of Homo Sapiens. It's why people exploit the planet as they do, can actually see the damage being done, yet the majority seem incapable of change. It's the wiring of people's DNA, caused by electro-smog, excito-toxins in food, GMO, chemtrail geoengineering and in all of the synthetic chemicals regularly used in the average home.

It all creates a frequency that interrupts the natural resonance of the body, thus excluding the soul frequency from fully infusing. But once you know this is happening, once you get out of the density through meditation, then you can feel the dulling affect of this lower consciousness. It then becomes possible to do something about it.

As I've explained in Divinicus, and in this video here below, the collapse of the old civilisation, and indeed the very biosphere in which we live, is now inevitable. Sweeping change is set to grow across our planet in the near term. But I hasten to add, we are not confined at all to the limitation of this - certainly not! This need not be the end of the story by far! The cleansing is necessary to restore alignment, harmony and equity for all life here. This is happening through the natural response of Gaia - to shift her consciousness into the Fifth Density - and we all have an invitation to join her. It's why well over 100 species of creature are already moving on daily.

Rise of the Divine Human

Essentially the future path of humanity is now about transcendence. In other words:

transcending the confines of the merely physical, by confronting any experience within, that would confine you into some limiting box.

It's actually confronting what makes you tight, fearful and closed down - because this is where your consciousness is already deciding you are small (there is no fear in a self-realised being, whatever is going on!). And here's the paradox, the wonderful opportunity such circumstances present...

Because you can now touch the limitation inside, you have the opportunity to expand through and out of it. I've talked about how in the first of the Openhand book series Breakthrough.

As you embark on this pathway of transcendence - of spiritual Breakthrough in every moment - then you begin to walk an inner journey through 5 expansions of consciousness - through 5GATEWAYS.
You can watch the free 5GATEWAYS documentary here
and read about the 5GATEWAYS book here.

What we're performing is inner alchemy: by infusing soul in the daily choices we make,
we're transforming the base metal of Sapiens into the shining gold of Divinicus -
your divine beingness.

This is not theory - people the world over are engaging in this 5D Shift of consciousness right now. And it's not something you have to wait to enjoy the benefits of. Those choosing to live in 5D Consciousness begin to experience blessed and miraculous lives right now.

How much longer do we have?

It's a hard one to call, exactly how much time Homo Sapiens has left. Because Gaia is a complex and responsive being, so there will be many unpredictable twists and turns as she progressively shifts into the 5D. And I can feel in my heart she wants to be as compassionate and gentle as possible, so as to offer the maximum amount of transition time. But certainly, the time left, will be a lot shorter than most imagine. There is still all the time in the world - but no time to waste!

Put metaphorically, the Titanic - representing the old reality - has hit the ice, been holed below the water-line, and is already beginning to sink. We're in the denial phase, but in the space of about a decade, dramatic shifts will likely affect pretty much everyone on the planet. I can feel that after about three decades, viable living for Homo Sapiens in the 3D will be extremely challenged. By 2100, I don't see any complex life on Earth in the 3D. Now is definitely the time to "launch the lifeboats".

Metaphorically, the "life-boat" represents your spirit-light-body, which is your vehicle of ascension into full 5D Consciousness - the next chapter of humanity on Earth.

The 5D Shift Project

Openhand's 5D Shift Project is purposefully configured to support people making this Great Shift of consciousness into the 5D. It facilitates a progressive transition in your daily life, so that you may successfully ride the flow of energy, and benefit from that right now - to live in 5D Consciousness (discover more about Openhand's 5D Shift Project.

It's a blessed and miraculous existence - why wait any longer?!

But it's not about telling you your truth. You may have a different view on the changes taking place on Earth right now. You may have a different view on the timescale and what the ultimate configuration will be. No matter - the 5D Shift Project is a framework for inner inquiry. It's about asking questions based on observations and perspectives - then inviting your own soul to figure out what is true for you.

We may intellectualise 5D consciousness, yes,
we may point to the gateways, yes,
but we may only attain it by realising it inside.

Above all, the invitation is now to witness what's really the truth about what is going on. Not what someone else tells you or pontificates about, or is in denial about. Look out into the world about what's really going on. Take time out with Gaia and feel in your heart what she truly says. And then respond accordingly, but I suggest always with an open mind and heart, so that your view on reality may progressively evolve - then your consciousness will too!

Sending love, compassion and support to all.


PS - If you resonate with the content of this article, and would like support shifting into 5D Consciousness, check out...Openhand's Worldwide Events and Courses

(on behalf of Openhand)
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Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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