At times everyone gets a little lost on the path, a degree unsure or uncertain of the way forwards - that's entirely fine. Life is a living, breathing, growing experience. In the moments of unresolution, lies the potential for a greater resolution - the Universe is working to reveal something to you. Therefore, whenever you might feel lost or uncertain, probably the most powerful statement you can make is "Show Me!" The Universe can't, and won't, fail to answer.
Here's why that works and how to apply it in 3 steps...
Nothing but the revelation of The One
The Universe is formed entirely of The One. And there is nothing going on but the revelation of The One. Which is happening through you constantly. So the entirety of the Universe - every situation and circumstance - is but a mirror of The One which is self-actualising.
This includes every single circumstance you find yourself in. Therefore, if you ask "Show Me", you will always be answered. But there are some clues as to what to look for and how to look...
How to Look:
If you ask "Show Me!", you must then become really attentive for the answer. Because you won't notice the answer if you simply drop yourself right back into the old habits, patterns and circumstances where mind and emotions are completely engaged in old patterning. If your mind is full, then the answer will struggle to come through.
And always, if you don't get an answer, you are being answered...
pause, breathe soften, get more still, go deeper.
What to look for:
Your current cycle of inner exploration and evolution will generally be in one of three stages:
- You're in the density of the false self and conditioned behaviourisms and need to break through.
- You're breaking through the density and authentic beingness is beginning to emerge, although it's not at full power yet.
- You're new, authentic beingness is already coming through and you're ready to take a creative step forwards in "Right Action".
And so, if you ask "Show Me!", and truly watch, listen, observe, then the Universe will reflect back to you where you are at within that cycle and what you need to work on.
Free Wheeling:
On the level 2 course 5GATEWAYS, I guide a wonderful process called "free wheeling". We're using various meditations to unleash the flow (try this Breakthrough Breathing Meditation). And then set off into the world for a couple of hours with no intention at all, but to go with the flow as experienced in the heart-felt pull.
Then witness what you observe. If you don't understand what is reflected back, simply observe, feel and embody the senses you get. Then begin again..."Show Me!" Consider how what you see and feel, might provide a guidance on what to work with, in whatever creative cycle your consciousness is now in (1,2 or 3 above).
So I would encourage everyone to take time, soften, breathe, meditate, then engage the flow in this way and see what it reveals. It will ALWAYS speak to you. That is certain - even if what you get back is the invitation to be more still.
Happy free wheeling!
Freewheel your way to Openhand's 5D Shift World Tour
PS - this is the kind of work we'll be doing on the upcoming 5D Shift World Tour, for which there are a still a few lastminute places left...
- 1st Sep, CHALICE WELL/UK: Great 5D Shift Seminar
- 1st-4th Sep, CHALICE WELL/UK: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend
- 9th-10th Sep, HELSINKI: 5D Shift Intensive Weekend
- 13th Oct, HALIFAX/CAN: Great 5D Shift Seminar:
- 13th-16th Oct, HALIFAX/CAN: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend
- 20th Oct, CHICAGO/USA: Great 5D Shift Seminar
- 20th-23rd Oct, CHICAGO/USA: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend:
- 11:11, SYDNEY/AUS: Great 5D Shift Event
- 18th-25th Nov, MOUNT GAMBIER/AUS: DIVINICUS Activation (Openhand level 3):
See you on the path!