It's a solar eclipse today on August 21st - special numerology indeed. For me it represents a time of endings and beginnings. It's a question of continually dying to the past and being reborn in the present, to unleash vibrant new creativity in your life. This can happen in careers, relationships and general living circumstances. And of course it's not limited to a particular date in the calendar - I suggest it's something to practice regularly, inside oneself.
Why is this important and how do you do it?...
Living in your own field of consciousness
We each live in our own unique field of consciousness - one that ideally dances with the world outside, the realities we create, and the people in them. of course this is the wonderful weave of life that brings with it extraordinary experience. But where we have blind spots, prior to full self-realisation, then we'll most likely build entwined fields that can lock you into a limiting reality.
The risk of this is it bonds you into an old existence and way of being. Others see you in a particular way, which we continually confirm for them by unconsciously accepting the judgments - the limitations - others place on us. It often happens where we acquiesce to repetitive bevahiourisms. The ones who love us most, often also limit most.
That's why it's essential to take frequent time out by yourself - a special place, hobby or activity that you like and resonates with you to the core of your being.
The importance of a hallowed space
When you're in this space, it's important to clear your field of all the fixed ties. Especially within your relationships - in Enlightenment, toward which everyone is moving, there are no fixed ties, although that doesn't prevent souls from walking and dancing together down parallel pathways for some time.
Fixed ties represent limitation, that serves neither party. Liberation in 'relating experiences' on the other hand, brings with it the invigoration of profound joy - challenging each other to be ever more of our true essence.
Meditations for liberation, freedom and a new vibrancy - 3 steps
Here are three steps you can best apply in your meditation...
- So I suggest taking yourself off to some hallowed place, centering in your own vibe for a while, by fully feeling into it. What reminds you of the pure essence of you?
(You can try this breakthrough breathing meditation to help) - From this place, visualise breaking all the fixed and constricting ties.
You might visualise it as a web that you're breaking or cutting apart. - Next, as the 'eclipse' moves into it's new phase of emergence, contemplate what new aspects of being now want to emerge. What new aspect of you wants to now come through? See it. Feel it. Embody it. Express it.
Breathe your new authenticity to life!
Now, the most important thing to do next, is bring this new aspect of being into your daily life. Beware, it may cause some ructions as you become more authentic with others around you. They won't necessarily have moved forward too, and so your new state of being will likely cause a degree of insecurity and uncertainty. That's entirely okay - although uncomfortable, it will inspire the other soul to change, integrate and become more sovereign and uniquely them too - at least it's the only thing that really can.
Everything is of consciousness. And so the unseen threads that we weave create the garment we live in. Frequently, it's nurturing for the soul to throw of the old clothes and weave something entirely new. It's the vibrancy of a new way of living.
That's what this great song by Nahko Bear inspires in me today - it's not about leaving relating experiences behind, it's about being totally real and authentic in them - finding the new vibrancy of you...
Why not begin afresh today!
(on behalf of Openhand)
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Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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