Hi Everyone, wherever you are out there in the world, how ever you've been tuning in: Openhand greatly welcomes your involvement. Humbly, thankyou. The Openhand work has been around here in the 3D some 15 years now, and after countless explorations, iterations and unfoldings with you, we're finally unveiling the true focus of what the work is really all about - The Great Shift of consciousness into the Fifth Density. We're about facilitating the Great Shift, by establishing an energetic bridge into the higher paradigm of consciousness. The work we've thus far produced, will now integrate into one:
The Great 5D Shift Project:
To ignite that passion, today we announce our latest World Tour, commencing in September 2017.
The Shift gathers pace
When I started talking about the shift some 15 years ago, although there was a sense of something taking place, and although people were already talking about "the Ascension", it all seemed a bit "far out", a bit "new agey". It was all too easy to pass off for "some distant lifetime - how does that help me now?" So whilst plenty were interested, you got the sense the philosophy and the energy wasn't really sticking - people weren't taking it too seriously. Well now, all that has very rapidly changed.
That's exactly what Openhand's new Great 5D Shift Project is purposefully designed to support. It's about providing a framework of exploration and realisation, to be there as your supportive facilitator when things aren't so clear, when you get stuck or need that crucial inspiration for your next evolutionary leap. That's what we're all about.
What exactly is Openhand?
Openhand is a higher dimensional consciousness - a bridge - being grounded and anchored here so as to resonate the frequencies of the much needed shift. A vast array of higher benevolence is gathering around the earth as we speak, from all across the cosmos, here to support the Great Shift. It is such a spectacular etheric gathering, for perhaps the most magical transitions possible - the Ascension of a planetary system. And everyone gets a front row seat - how blessed!
Right Action then flows from this inquiry.
Here on Openhandweb, we're sharing tools, tips and advice on how to tune into this energy, and how to work with it, to support your maximum potential for unfolding. That's exactly the purpose of the Great 5D Shift Project being announced today.
Openhand's 5D Shift World Tour
We feel it's essential to connect face-to-face with as many of you as possible. Because it strengthens the vibration and wider resonance for all. When a small group of people come together, with openness, love and respect for all life, with a genuine commitment to evolutionary unfolding, then we harness and maximise the shift energy, which is felt far afield throughout the world.
With that in mind, here is the list of events for September/October/November 2017. As yet, these are only the initial dates. Other venues will follow in due course, and this will be an ongoing project through the unfolding years ahead.
Here are the dates. Where will you be?:
- 1st Sep, CHALICE WELL/UK: Great 5D Shift Seminar
- 1st-4th Sep, CHALICE WELL/UK: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend
- 8th Sep, MALMO/SWEDEN: Great 5D Shift Seminar
- 8th-11th Sep, MALMO/SWEDEN: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend
- 13th Oct, HALIFAX/CAN: Great 5D Shift Seminar:
- 13th-16th Oct, HALIFAX/CAN: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend
- 20th Oct, CHICAGO/USA: Great 5D Shift Seminar
- 20th-23rd Oct, CHICAGO/USA: Breakthrough Intensive Weekend:
- 18th-25th Nov, MOUNT GAMBIER/AUS: DIVINICUS Activation (Openhand level 3):
3 sequential levels of work
Those who've worked with us will know there are 3 sequential levels of work:
- Level 1: BREAKTHROUGH - a two day intensive, designed to fully open you to the shift flow
- Level 2: 5GATEWAYS - attuning your spiritual compass & routemap through the inner densities
- Level 3: DIVINICUS - taking you on an experiential journey to release karma and activate kudalini (previously the Transfiguration).
Openhand Facilitators: This progressive program of development then leads into the Facilitator Program, unveiling your gifts and skills to support the Great Shift for others.
So where will you be?