How Foraging (at least some) Fresh Food can Heighten your Vibe

Resources:  World News View Contents:  Awakened Living Views "Your body is your temple to the divine!" Because put ... thumbnail 1 summary

"Your body is your temple to the divine!" Because put simply, we need a vehicle through which to actualise the soul - to truly experience it. But the soul can only infuse if the vibration is clear and high. Meditation and conscious bodywork help open the temple up, but you also need some high vibe resonances to create the right 'atmosphere'. This is where high vibe food comes in. Sadly, in society, a good deal of the vibration is dampened through toxification and the deadening distances traveled to your doorstep. That's why foraging, at least some, of your food is utterly essential for activating enzymes, healing the body and raising vibe to enable full soul infusion. Be inspired...

Something special about picking direct from the plant

There's something incredibly special about picking food from the plant yourself, then eating it pretty much immediately. It's like you're embodying mother nature, and can feel it infusing your cells.

I find it doesn't matter if only a small portion of my diet at times contains fresh picked live food. Just a small amount makes all the difference, and if done consciously, it's just so enjoyable.

"It may sound strange, but I absolutely adore eating raw nettles. Of course you have to be careful! But that's the point, if you first make peace with the plant, I find it doesn't sting you. I carefully pluck the juiciest leaves and fold them into a little 'packet', before placing them carefully on my tongue. And there you have it - nature's superfood, delivered direct to your belly!

Wild garlic pesto

Here's a simple video recipe of wild garlic pesto from Trinity. Let it inspire you to pick something fresh today...


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