Taking the Greatest Evolutionary Advantage from the Election

Resources:  World News View Contents:  Awakened Living Views The new US administration is beginning to (rather chaotically) ... thumbnail 1 summary

The new US administration is beginning to (rather chaotically) emerge. I sense that as it does, many more veils will fall - veils that have kept the mainstream evolving community at a fair degree of distance from the truth of what's really happening in this Great 5D Shift. It's definitely NOT all love and light! As the light releases itself and shifts to the higher vibration, it stirs up the density at the bed of the pond. Paradoxically this muddy haziness creates a great reflection...
By seeing what you are most definitely not, provides the greatest opportunity to realise who you can become.

The Abundance of belonging to the Greater Whole

In any reality, light flows into the karmic density and animates mirrors, so souls can see their own reflections and work through them. You witness something, and then decide who you are in relation to it. Essentially you either continue to express the lower shadow side (stay in denial), or you take responsibility for your part in that creation and evolve out of it.

I see the greatest challenge being, that humanity has been lulled into the idea that life is about the things that we want to have. "Abundance" has become something to attain "out there" (even amongst the spiritual mainstream) rather than the sense of interconnectedness with the divine "in here". True abundance is found in the exploration that you belong to a greater whole, and are lovingly cherished as such.

What this means is that the majority of people are always trying to fix something, acquire something, take control of something or consume something "out there". And now we have a political leader who essentially espouses all of those things in his very beingness. Excessive consumption to fulfill internal sense of lack is a new "virtue"!

A most dangerous development

Take for example climate change. Did you notice that during the election campaign, barely a word was mentioned about it's vital importance? Did it even feature in the presidential debates? Yet it is fast looming as the most essential phenomenon of our time. The new administration taking shape, has shown by word and deed, that they blatantly disregard what's really taking place. They actually plan to renege on the hard won Paris Climate Agreement, to support the further exploitation of fossil fuels and fracking. Here's the view of Noam Chromsky, the respected philosopher writing in the UK's Independent...

Following the US elections, Professor Chomsky said it appeared humans planned to answer what he called "the most important question in their history … by accelerating the race to disaster".

"The winning candidate, now the President-elect, calls for rapid increase in use of fossil fuels, including coal; dismantling of regulations; rejection of help to developing countries that are seeking to move to sustainable energy; and in general, racing to the cliff as fast as possible. He has already appointed a prominent climate change denier to run his transition team covering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other advisers include people with close links to the fossil fuel industry."

He has also pledged to scrap the United States’ ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change, which President Barack Obama has hailed as "the moment that we finally decided to save our planet".

Taking truly bold and courageous action

Chromsky believes the new administration is "the most dangerous organisation in world history". And I am inclined to agree. Except for one crucial thing: the situation has always been this challenging in recent times. We are accelerating toward a catastrophic cliff edge, and have been doing so for decades. The Paris agreement was important in that it drew some vital attention to the issue. But then everyone simply got back on with the day job. The system keeps spinning, and every day that goes by, without global concerted effort to mitigate the effects, means the necessary realignment will be ever more dramatic.

Let's be clear, with or without the new leadership, humanity has been accelerating toward that cliff edge for some considerable time; either by supporting the system of consumption we live in, or by blind acquiescence to it. Now we're simply witnessing the accurate reflection of that.

Let's work to fully embrace the truth that we now see. Because then we can do something truly bold and courageous about it. We can turn away, inside ourselves, from this climatic cliff edge. We can decide that we are different, that we're heading in a different direction. We can process out our tightness and attachment to the old reality. We can decide by our very actions, the realignment to truth that we affiliate with. We can be the pathfinders and wayshowers into the new density, in a higher vibration.

An Alchemical Shift, inside yourself

This cannot be something we simply pay lip service to. It's not something you meditate on and then get back to the old ways, or allowing the old conditioning to simply draw you back in. Now is the time for a direct confrontation of the old consciousness, inside yourself, as a moment by moment way of being. You witness something taking place, but then you must decide what's your highest truth in relation to it?
Then, and most importantly... take positive action on it.

Yes the mainstream is destroying the biosphere. But we could still do something that connects with Gaia and cherishes her.
Yes the mainstream continues to support cruelty and fear in the industrial food chain. But we can opt for a more conscious diet.
Yes we will still have to take resources from the matrix to survive, but we can still do so consciously, take only what we truly need, and offer gratitude for what we receive.

This internally conflicting dynamic - the interplay of the old consciousness with the new - will most definitely animate internal tightness and resistance. If something comes up, in your family, circle of friends or at work, don't deny it. Don't push it back down into the 'too-difficult-to-deal-with' pigeon hole. Especially when it's most uncomfortable, bring it out into the light. Express the discomfort or pain and become as one with it, so the higher consciousness, the higher beingness and behaviourisms may emerge. So highlights the path into the higher density - the New Paradigm.
It's a progressive alchemical shift, inside yourself.

Time to unravel your truth

The truth of what's really happening across our planet, and through the distortions in the field that have been holding the old reality in place, is stepping out of the closet and coming into the light. As unpleasant as that reflection might be, it is a good thing. Because it's going to catalyse and stir up our own unconsciousness within. Work with it, don't push it down. Unravel your truth in relation to it.

  • If fear comes up - work into your concern about the worst possible outcome. Who are you in relation to the smallness? Because your Cosmic Self is not afraid of anything.
  • If attachment to things in the old reality come up, what is it that's deluding you about what you truly need? Because your Cosmic self needs only the sense of divine internal connection.
  • If relationships become challenged, remember it's your internal relationship with the divine that really counts - all other relating experiences flow from this alignment.
  • If the need to control the old reality comes up, then work to let go. It is accelerating toward a climatic conclusion. But the unleashing flow of higher light, will bring you to the shores a truly spectacular rebirth.

Taking maximum Positive Advantage

If we do this, then even though the matrix takes this new challenging direction, we will gain even more greatly from it. Because it will animate and bring into consciousness exactly those things we need to work with most. That can only be a good and positive thing.

Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Take courage. Be bold about who you now feel to become. Let the growing reflection of what you are not, be the growing inspiration for who you really are. As you unwind from the old consciousness, work to to feel the reflection internally of your growing light. Witness in life those things that make you feel uplifted, whole and joyful. As you peel off the old reality, build this as your new one (try this liquid gold meditation to facilitate that).

To me, that's the golden opportunity now revealing itself. I for one, plan to take maximum positive advantage from that. Who's with me?


(on behalf of Openhand)
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