The unthinkable has happened. A 'raptor' in a suit has been elected to the most powerful political position on the planet. But was it really that unthinkable? Take a close look at any shopping mall, any town, any city, any grazing land or ploughed field. The mark of the consumptive 'beast' is literally everywhere. And the majority are too blind to recognise themselves a willing acquiescence to it all - the wanton destruction of Mother Earth. I'm actually relieved by it. Why? Because at least we witness the revelation of truth. No more hiding behind veils; no more speaking with forked tongue. What you see is what you get. Let it inspire more of us to shake off this sleepy delusion...
Shine the Sunlight where the Seeds will Blossom
There were many times during the campaign when I felt reflections back to 1930s Germany. It's no wonder so many voted the way they did - it's the same nationalism, the same protectionism, the same racism, the same projection. It's just wearing a different suit. The majority are clearly voting to protect their piece of the pie, and who gives a goddam about 'them over there'. In fact what a great excuse 'they' make: 'they did it', 'they're to blame', 'they took away our dream'. Now they have an excuse to do what their subconscious wanted to do all along.
The shadow side of humanity has got its reflection. As unpalatable as it will be to many awakened ones, it's necessary to move into the realm of truth, because that's the only place to begin. People really need to see just what on earth is going on. Now we have it. There are no "mass awakenings", there never was. The "hundred monkeys" will make precious little difference to the zillion blind raptors. It'll be millions of years before they're ready for the Fifth Density.
Does that not make it a whole lot easier?
Many levels of Awakening
I'm not that surprised. It's been this way countless other times, not just on this planet, but in other constellations also - we seldom witness mass awakenings. Instead, more often than not, we see smaller - but nontheless very powerful - waves of truly committed ones. And that's exactly what I witness now. You see there are many levels of awakeness: (1) awake to the control system (2) awake to interconnectivity of all life (3) awake to the true plight of the planet (from a feeling standpoint) (4) awake to the need for the Shift of Gaia into the Fifth Density. Although some may speak with the same vocabulary, the difference between these levels of consciousness can still be immense.
There will be no 'saving Mother Earth in the 3D'. From the evidence we've already seen, this election will now only accelerate the demise. My heartfelt 'hope' is that this stark-staring revelation of truth will convince plenty more to truly turn their attention toward the Fifth Density - to let go of loyalty to the rapidly crumbling old reality. That for me is the most positive thing that can result from this result.
Let it inspire you to go inwards and upwards
Feel into it, step through and out of that illusion. Let the veils fall. Feel the relief. You don't have to fight it any more. You don't have to struggle. This 'raptor consciousness' will not give in until it's devoured everything. But you see that's the point - if you truly want to defeat the beast, you don't fight it. You don't struggle against it - you simply give it a shove in the direction its already heading. It defeats itself by its own 'success'. Just maybe, then, it has the chance to truly witness its own reflection and change.
I believe that's the state of play we're now moving into. It means an acceleration of the decline. And we truly awakened ones can work with that energy. We can take it and let it inspire us to let go more; to surrender the old reality more - it was only ever a delusional facade anyway. Let the veils fall. Move into the realm of truth. Take the energy and let it fire up your evolution.
There's only one meaningful direction now: inwards and upwards. Whose with me?
(on behalf of Openhand)
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