The Journey of the Soul is one of ever learning, evolving and growing. I put it to you there is nothing else going on but this miraculous self-realising process. The One is expressing itself through the entirety of form in the Universe - through you, through your soul. Whilst we will create things in this process, whilst we will have relationships and fall in love, these are the effects of the miraculous weave of life simply expressing itself. Life is looking for ever higher harmonies of vibrational joy and alignment. If this is true, then how might we consider the phenomenon of a mistake on the Spiritual Path? What is a mistake? Is it possible to avoid them?...
The only true mistake?
The Universe is not trying to achieve any particular thing. If it was, that would presuppose some original intention, which in turn would presuppose a creator, and if there was a creator, where did it come from? What preceded it?
In my knowing and understanding, the universe exploded into light - into pure awareness - as a natural consequence of infinite potential: given infinite time (before there was such thing as 'time') then you have infinite probability that pure presence would subdivide into flows of awareness. Science refers to 'ripples in space' emerging from the singularity, that then cascade outwards in a chain reaction causing the "big bang".
Back to the Source
This realisation alone, can bring with it a great sense of release and letting go. There is nothing specific for you to achieve. And by letting go into this potential inside yourself, creativity will effortlessly flow - that is when you're not struggling to create. It is the flow back to the source, back to The One (inside yourself) by your own soul that will create in abundance when allowed to.
The soul experiences a compelling yearning to journey back to the source - back to the presence of The One. What gets in the way, is where it is not realising of this One Self (of this infinite potential) where it gets confused with the separation consciousness - within matter. It's where the soul thinks there is something specific to do and create. But the soul is a divine expression of this Oneness, seeking out ever superlative reflections of this. It is literally learning through every encounter to become that finer expression.
How might you benefit from this knowing?
The 3 benefits from constantly learning
- Firstly, if you accept that there is nothing physical to gain, apart from the experience itself, then it frees you from the need to manifest. This in itself is a tremendous liberation.
- Secondly by realising that the purpose of life is to continue to learn, evolve and grow at a soul level, then you can become the 'winner' in all situations and circumstances. You simply have to ask: "Why did I manifest that situation?" "What was I meant to get from it?"
- In realising what you were meant to get, brings greater integration, congruence and alignment to the soul. It feels like coming home to yourself. This is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. You feel yourself expanding in self acceptance and love.
Approaching the moment for true success in 4 straightforward steps
How best might you approach each moment to succeed?
Openhand's "Breakthrough" Approach is a simplified way of confronting the moment and breaking through into the deeper meaning, the deeper experience of the divine. It means you can win all the time. It can be summarised in these 4 straightforward steps...
- Confront the truth: Confront the truth of the moment as it actually is. What's your worst concern or fear? Don't deny or reject what is actually going on. Be completely honest with yourself about it. Thus you bring the light of truth into it.
- Honour the pain: Feel into any tightness that resistance or fear of the moment might cause. Explore at a physical, emotional, mental and karmic level by noticing any internal contractions (felt as tightness or pain). Fully honour this pain by expressing it within yourself and your environment (where appropriate).
- Become The One in the experience: Work with this resistance, worry, fear, control, sense of lack, victimisation, frustration or anger, until you accept it completely. Then 'open a doorway' through it into the pure presence of The One. You witness the contraction from an unattached state. Then unwind the tightness in the way that intuitively best resonates (breathing, unwinding, dissolving, visualising light, melting with heat).
- Unleash the Soul: Next look for an authentic expression of the soul. What's your highest truth here? How can you be more of you? What expression simply feels right and aligned? Bring attention to that, kindle it, let it break out through you and into the world.
In this way, you will always learn, evolve and grow from the experiences of your life. You'll constantly unleash soul through you. Thus you'll create ever greater harmony, self-acceptance joy and love.
What's more you'll become truly successful in a material sense - what I mean by this is that the soul will create in abundance bounteous vehicles through which to express out into the universe, because that's what it naturally does when not bounded by the ego that believes it has to attain something in particular.
I've written about Openhand's Breakthrough Approach in detail in the book Breakthrough: divine revelations. We help people master it at Courses around the World.
Living a bountiful life
The only mistake in life is not to learn from the circumstances that befall you. It's time to set yourself free: to become the constant learning, evolving, growing creature that is inherent at the core of you.
What a bountiful life!
(on behalf of Openhand)
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)
About Openhand
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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